Stomping | Crushing Feet

All articles tagged with "Stomping"

This mistress has a catering business that she prepares meals for people all of the time. She is going to make a special meal for a slave, but that involves taking all of the food she has prepared for him and crushing it on the floor. The slave is going to get food that has been crushed and stomped on, but she still will make him pay for everything in full.

Lady B loves to go for walks, and she also enjoys the great outdoors and all of the wonderful things that it brings to her. She is going to get her boots really dirty, but that does not matter to her because she has a slate that can clean all of the mud off her boots, and all of the chili peppers and other peppers that she gets on her boots too.

She likes to do adventures things, but she never imagined herself walking through corn or anything like that. However, she does not care because she is going to start crushing all of the corn underneath her sneakers. She is laughing because she will just how a slave clean off all of the corn when she is finished crushing corn anything else she gets on her dirty and smelly sneakers.

A mistress is going to have the difficult task of crushing five toy cars that were given to her by one of her pathetic slaves. She knows the toys mean a great deal to him, but she does not care at all. Her plan is to crush all of the toy cars and give them back to her slave. She would rather have money from him instead.

This mistress loves to go for a walk, but she also likes to do other things at the same time. Her slave is going to give her a bunch of candy that he thought she would like but she actually has other plans for the candy. She is going to crush all of the candy underneath her sneakers and make her slave clean off the underneath of her sneakers.

She doesn't care what is in front of her, she has to destroy it when she is out for a walk and she is angry. When her slave made her angry, she shrinks her and takes her for a walk. After stomping her naughty slave into the ground, she keeps walking. She rips the grass from the ground. She digs her feet into the ground, ripping and kicking up dirt too.

When Lady B is angry, she has to crush glass. There is nothing else that will do. she has to buy the pretty glass and step on it. She loves the sound that it makes and will always look forward to it. It turns her on to step on it, knowing that it will break under her. The sound turns her on. She loves knowing that she is destroying something that most people cherish just because she is angry.

When Jordan Star and Miss Jane are bored, they put on their hottest boots and buy fruit. Rather than eat the fruit, they take it to the railroad tracks and start to crush it. They are turned on at the feel of the fruit giving way under their feet. They love to see the juice of the melons splatter and spread. It makes their panties wet and nipples hard as they demolish the fruit all over the tracks and sidewalk.

When Mistress Labelle comes home, she has to relax. She knows that in order for her to do that, she has to crush kiwi. She comes home and puts three kiwi on the floor and happily steps on them. She loves to look at her beautiful floors and see the green flesh of the fruit oozing out. She uses her strong feet to crush the other fruits and listen to the sounds.

When Lady B plays, she always wins. She hates toys and when she finds a box of them in her home, she takes them out to play with. She puts the train set together only to knock the trains off the tracks and smash the cars to pieces. She runs over other toys and cars with her actual car and laughs about it while her slave watches in stunned disbelief.

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