High Heels | Crushing Feet

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Lady B has a thing for crushing stuff. She is at her happiest when she is crushing things. Today she was crushing an inflatable toy. She used her high heel to crush it. It was so much fun she went and brought other toys and crushed them as well. By the time she was done crushing them, a lot of time had passed and she was very tired. But she was happy.

Madame Marissa has a thing for crush fetish. She loves to crush things using her feet because it is fun and she also considers it to be exercise for her feet. Today she went out and she bought a few toys to crush. She went back home and she wore her boots, which she used to crush the toys till there was nothing left of them but a mess on the floor.

Mistress Christin is not one of those who like old technology. She does not like antiques ad instead prefers current things. When she found an old radio in her house, she did not care that it was working. She only cared that it could be destroyed and she did not hesitate to crush it. She used her high heels and crushed them till there was nothing left of the old radio.

Madame Marissa wanted her boyfriend to grow up. He liked to play a lot of video games and a lot of computer games. She went and took his playstation and his laptop and used her high heels to crush them. She had lied to him that she wanted them to try some fetish so she tied him. But she had tied him in order to make him watch her destroy his toys without being able to do anything about it.

Lady B loves nothing better than she loves to crush things. She loves it because it makes her feel powerful. Her laptop was becoming slow and she was pissed because she had something urgent to do. When it continued being slow, she crushed it hard using her high heels. She stomped on it and within a matter of minutes, there was no laptop left. It was just a pile of dirt.

This clip is so much fun because Madame Marissa is having a lot of fun satisfying her crush fetish. She has stockings on and switches from high heels to flats to only her stockings as she does her crushing on inflatable toys. She stands on them with her full weight crushing them on the floor. She even jumps up in the air and comes crashing down with her ass crushing the largest toy.

These toys litter her house and this mistress does not like them. She likes kids but she hates the things they leave behind when they come to her house. She decided to enjoy those things as opposed to being pissed off. Enjoying for her means that she has fun destroying them with her feet as well as with her high heels. She got addicted to it and never stopped once she started.

Madame Marissa wanted a new laptop and knew that her boyfriend would insist on making her old laptop better by improving its specs. So she threw it down and crushed it with her high heels so as not to give him a reason not to buy a new one. He could not do anything about the totally smashed and destroyed laptop. He gave in and bought her a new one.

Madame Marissa likes only the best things in life. When her boyfriend bought her a mid range smartphone, she was pissed. She wanted a high end one. She id not say a word. She took it, opened it, checked it out, placed it on the carpet and used her high heels to crush it and destroy it. She did it in front of him and told him what she wanted.

There is something about crush fetish queen Christin. She always makes her sessions sexy. She put on some sexy high heels and black stockings to smash this toy SUV. She takes her shoes off and stands on it with her full weight but it holds up. She puts her high heels on and balances on top of it looking hot. It finally gives way and is smashed under her merciless feet.

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