Destroy | Crushing Feet

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Lady Alshari was taking a walk when she came across an orange on the road. She did not even stop to ask herself whether it belonged to someone or someone nearby had dropped it. She did not even look ahead or behind to ascertain whether there was anyone else nearby. She crushed it using her boots and made sure to squeeze all the juice out of it and only left the pulp.

Lady B has a thing for crushing stuff. She is at her happiest when she is crushing things. Today she was crushing an inflatable toy. She used her high heel to crush it. It was so much fun she went and brought other toys and crushed them as well. By the time she was done crushing them, a lot of time had passed and she was very tired. But she was happy.

Mistress Christin is not one of those who like old technology. She does not like antiques ad instead prefers current things. When she found an old radio in her house, she did not care that it was working. She only cared that it could be destroyed and she did not hesitate to crush it. She used her high heels and crushed them till there was nothing left of the old radio.

Madame Marissa was not happy that her son was becoming undisciplined. She had to make sure she set him straight. She knew he loved his toy cars so she decided to use them to punish him. She crushed the toy cars he loved while he watched and cried and tried to beg her to leave them alone. She crushed them while telling him that she would do the same to all his toys if he continued being an undisciplined child.

Mistresses Christin and Lady B wanted to find out who would be the last mistress standing. They both have a crush fetish and they came up with a competition to crush things. They bought lots of them and wanted to see who would crush them longest. They crushed toy cars and many other things till they were exhausted but no one wanted to give up. They both collapsed on the ground but continued to crush them. They decided to settle for a draw.

Lady B loves nothing better than she loves to crush things. She loves it because it makes her feel powerful. Her laptop was becoming slow and she was pissed because she had something urgent to do. When it continued being slow, she crushed it hard using her high heels. She stomped on it and within a matter of minutes, there was no laptop left. It was just a pile of dirt.

Madame Marissa bought a new TV and a PlayStation. She is very competitive and does not like to lose. She always has to beat her opponent but this time round she failed. She was mad and instead turned on the TV and the PlayStation and crushed them with her high heels. Within a matter of minutes, they were all destroyed and all that remained of them was just a heap of garbage.

Lady B loves crushing things because it is fun and makes her feel powerful. She likes to crush things and is always buying them or finding them wherever she goes. Today she bought a lot of toys and she had fun destroying them. She wanted to crush and smash them the whole weekend, but she was excited and once she started, she could not stop. She only stopped when they were all destroyed.

Madame Marissa likes only the best things in life. When her boyfriend bought her a mid range smartphone, she was pissed. She wanted a high end one. She id not say a word. She took it, opened it, checked it out, placed it on the carpet and used her high heels to crush it and destroy it. She did it in front of him and told him what she wanted.

Lady B is always looking for something new to destroy with her high heel boots because she has a crush fetish that is never satisfied. She's not happy with the damage that her boots inflict on this toy race car so she climbs in a tractor and smashes the car into pieces under the massive tires. Lady B can destroy anything with her crush fetish and she is not stopping any time soon.

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