Crushing | Crushing Feet

All articles tagged with "Crushing"

When it's time to get rid of stuff, Lady B will determine if it's crushable or not. When she goes through a tub of shoes, she finds that she has a lot of things to crush. She doesn't want to hurt herself so she lines the old shoes up behind her tire and she runs them over. She loves knowing that she is in control of a vehicle that will destroy something. As she turns the wheel to mash them flat, she gets turned on.

When Mistress Labelle comes home, she has to relax. She knows that in order for her to do that, she has to crush kiwi. She comes home and puts three kiwi on the floor and happily steps on them. She loves to look at her beautiful floors and see the green flesh of the fruit oozing out. She uses her strong feet to crush the other fruits and listen to the sounds.

When Lisa gets tired of a slave, she has a simple solution. She shrinks them and sits on them. She got tired of a whiny slave so she shrunk her. After she was shrunken, she looked so cute. Rather than throw her away, Lisa decided to sit on her. She was happy to put her round ass all over the little slave's body and force her to smell as much of her as possible.

When Lady B plays, she always wins. She hates toys and when she finds a box of them in her home, she takes them out to play with. She puts the train set together only to knock the trains off the tracks and smash the cars to pieces. She runs over other toys and cars with her actual car and laughs about it while her slave watches in stunned disbelief.

When Lady Mia Mane plays with her slaves, she uses their toys. She grabs the toy pistol of on of her slaves and they have a shoot out. Since she is the winner, she grabs the toy car of another slave and starts to crush it. She knows that he wants her to stop but she can't. She must step on his car and crush it because he is the loser.

When Miss Jane is hosting an even for other mistresses, she is happy to provide a dessert buffet for the slaves that are coming. She goes to the bakery to buy a cake and muffins. She also gets a pizza from the local pizza shop for them to enjoy. When they all arrive, she puts the food on the patio and smashes it. She steps all over it with her black combat boots and makes sure that it's all mixed in with dirt and filth. Then she leaves them to their meal.

Goddess Victoria hates to be interrupted. She hates to be interrupted when she is training a slave. So where her cell phone rings, she drops it to the floor and begins to step on it. She uses her high heel to put cracks in the screen and break the keyboard. She knows that she should control her temper but she can't. She stomps on the pesky phone until it breaks. Then she feels better.

Mistress Ginger is a sexy babe with sexy long legs with pink stiletto sandal heels as she dumps a bag of microwave popcorn onto the wood floor under her feet. She then takes her sharp heels and use them to crush the popcorn on the floor. She takes her time and crushes the popcorn making sure to smash every single little piece of popcorn until the only thing that is left is tiny pieces of broken popcorn.

Lady One is a sexy mistress wearing white sneakers as she takes a walk down a walking path on a bright summer day. She watches carefully where she is walking and she makes sure that she stomps on and crushes every thing that she sees. This sexy mistress uses her shoes and her full weight and crushes all the berries and objects she spots on the road during her walk.

Lady B and Mistress Christin are two sexy mistresses and they are playing war games using two remote controlled tanks. The two mistresses are ramming into each other's tanks and battling each other. Then Lady B gets mad and uses her wedge boots and her full weight she gets on top of the other tank and starts crushing it. Then Christin does the same thing and they stomp on each others tanks until they are both completely destroyed.

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