Lady B found a collection of toy trains in her house. She did not know what to do with them. And she could not even remember who bought them. She was bored so she did the next best thing which was to trample them and crush them. She had a lot of fun doing it and she did not notice how much time flew as she crushed and destroyed all of them.
When it comes to destroying things, Lady B is the best there is. She has a passion for crushing things and she used all kinds of foot wear to do it. Today she was crushing these toys using her open shoes. She crushed them and she made sure they were all destroyed. Nothing remained of the former toys except a huge mess on the floor which she ordered a slave to throw away.
Goddess Victoria hates to be interrupted. She hates to be interrupted when she is training a slave. So where her cell phone rings, she drops it to the floor and begins to step on it. She uses her high heel to put cracks in the screen and break the keyboard. She knows that she should control her temper but she can't. She stomps on the pesky phone until it breaks. Then she feels better.
This ugly teddy bear gets crushed underneath the wheels of the convertible sports car. The sexy brunette places the ugly teddy bear on the muddy ground and then gets behind the wheel of the sports car crushing the toy and smashing it under the wheels of the heavy car. She drives over the little body again and again crushing it. Finally she crushes the animal underneath her flats.
This gorgeous brunette crushes the small teddy bear in her black high heel boots. She stomps on the small toy powerfully with her sexy boots crushing it with her full weight onto the floor. The sexy brunette steps all over the teddy bears body and smashes its face with her sharp heels. The bear doesn't stand a chance under the full weight of of the sexy brunettes black boots.
Wearing a pair of black plateau buffalo boots Lady Steffi crushes a set of cream filled cakes. She stomps each of the cakes with her high heel boots splattering the cream everywhere. One by one she crushes each of the delicate cakes under her heels
Christin has on her black studded high heel boots and are ready to stomp on something and do some damage! Throwing her ex's plasma tv on her wooden floor she goes to town. Her sharp heels digs holes into the black screen. Within minutes the tv is no longer noticeable. All you will see is small pieces at her hot ass boots.
In her shiny black leather high heeled boots Jodie wastes no time in stamping all over a Gameboy until it's crushed to pieces. Her sharp heels easily force their way through its plastic shell and it's a nice touch when she places a cigarette on top of the machine breaking it apart. After that all it takes is some swift stomping to turn the console into twisted shards of metal debris.
A row of baby dolls are no match for the stiletto heels of Lady Christin and Lady B. These cruel mistresses take great delight in putting on their best black leather boots and stomping the dolls into a plastic pulp, crushing them under their feet as they march up and down and giving themselves a very special treat when they place a lit cigarette in the mouth of the biggest doll and ram it into its face.